NaPoWriMo 2024: day 2

Well, today was not my day either. But I heard this interview with Celine Song where she talked about the difference between Buddhist and Christian worship–it was an analogy for theatre vs. screen acting, but I’m applying it to NaPo too. In Buddhist worship, she said, you have to show up every day. So, like every NaPo, I’m just showing up every day with my little offering, even if some days it’s not worth much. The showing up is the point. Anyway:

So far April is nothing but showers,
Me at low power, plug-plant flowers
Giving nothing to feed on.
I’ve spent long hours
In front of screens, or even worse,
In front of eyes that seem like screens.
I’ve played out scenes,
But nothing quite connects.
I’m living more in daydreams than in days.
I’m waiting for the sun to shine, to fix my bike,
And then I’ll ride out on the Waggonways
And leave a trail of blues behind
That slowly dissolves into the wide blue sky.

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